Archive for April, 2009

Speech at Navy Memorial — April 4, 2009

Monday, April 27th, 2009

lone-sailor-1988Good afternoon, I am retired Navy Captain Diane Diekman, and my relationship with the Navy Memorial goes back to the time when the Lone Sailor was standing all by himself outside. My greatest day here at the Navy Memorial was my retirement ceremony in 2004. I’d always had a dream of having a retirement ceremony with full dress uniform, with swords and large medals. And it worked out that way. Everybody dressed up for me that day. And if it wasn’t for the Navy, I would be a bashful schoolteacher somewhere in South Dakota, I’m sure. (more…)

Faron Young and Marty Robbins newsletter — 15 April 2009

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

In a 1975 interview, Marty said, “I told people I was going to quit, but I’m not really going to quit. I don’t think people would really want me to quit, maybe because it’s something I enjoy doing. I wouldn’t want somebody to quit playing golf if they liked that. I really don’t believe that a lot of the people really want me to quit. They understand that it’s dangerous and so do I. But I suppose just living is dangerous, y’know. It’s according to how you live it. . . . I just don’t like to get hurt. Cut up, y’know, and broken ribs and bones. That kinda hurts for a little awhile. But, really, it’s worth it. I’ve had broken ribs, and tailbones, and stitches all over my body. But it’s worth it to me because I enjoy racing, see. (more…)