12 December 2007
This issue brings to a close my weekly updates on Live Fast, Love Hard: The Faron Young Story, published by the University of Illinois Press. I’m starting to repeat myself, so I’ll cut back to once or twice a month and will talk about Marty Robbins and Faron Young equally. I’d still appreciate comments on Faron’s biography to be posted to Amazon.com at http://tinyurl.com/3dsu2a.
Bill Anderson interviewed Darrell McCall and me when we were in Nashville. We talked about the book and Faron’s music. Jeannie Seely and Robyn Young were telephone guests. I didn’t get the broadcast notice in time to let everyone know about the first date on XM channel 2, but the show is being aired three times this week on XM channel 10:
Thursday–Noon EST
Saturday–6 pm EST
Sunday–6 pm EST
For those reading this newsletter on Tuesday evening, you can find the show on XM channel 2 until midnight Eastern time.
FARON YOUNG, ELEVEN YEARS AGO: Faron died shortly after noon on December 10, 1996. Eddie Stubbs turned his WSM radio show into a Faron Young tribute that evening, playing a chronology of the Singing Sheriff’s hits. After “Wine Me Up,” Faron’s song about being the center of attention in a bar room, Eddie said, “That, ladies and gentlemen, was country music. And I hope you enjoyed it. Because for a lot of us it will never be that good again.”
This week also marks the 25th anniversary of the death of Marty Robbins.
Laurie Matheson, Senior Acquisitions Editor at the University of Illinois Press, says, “We’ve sold about 1800 copies and have about 1000 still in inventory. To sell 1800 copies in five months is really terrific, and a testament to your work in building a Faron Young network and getting the word out about the book. Since the cloth is selling so well, our sales manager recommends that we go into a second printing of the hardcover before moving to paperback.”
Bernie Green says, “Thanks Diane, these stories I love. I can identify with Faron and his musicians. Lot’s of luck.”
Bobby Braddock writes, “Diane, as I told you I really enjoyed your book, also enjoy reading your newsletter. Regarding the origin of Faron’s name, there were no Spanish around Shreveport when Faron was born, and there’s very little French influence that far north in Louisiana; Faron was probably just a good Southern name.”
I will be a presenter at the 25th Anniversary ICMC, which will be held 22-24 May 2008 at Belmont University in Nashville.My title is “Faron Young and Marty Robbins–A Comparison of Two Country Legends.” A complete program will be posted at www.internationalcountrymusic.org.