Archive for June, 2013

Faron Young and Marty Robbins newsletter — 19 June 2013

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

In June 1953, Faron Young and Marty Robbins were beginning to make names for themselves. They’d both debuted on the Billboard charts earlier in the year with their own songs. Marty’s “I’ll Go On Alone” went to number one, and Faron’s “Goin’ Steady” reached number two. Their second singles had topped out at number five. Both were members of the Grand Ole Opry, although Faron was in the Army and had to come up from Fort McPherson, Georgia, for his Saturday performances. He appeared there twice in June. Faron still had two more years as a bachelor, while Marty was already married and the father of a pre-school son. (more…)

Faron Young and Marty Robbins newsletter — 5 June 2013

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Ray Emmett died in Nashville on June 2, 2013, at the age of 75.  He had been ill for quite awhile. Ray fronted Faron Young’s Country Deputies band and played electric bass from 1973-1980 and from 1988 until the end. He also sang harmony on Faron’s records. Ray hosted one of my Country Deputy reunions in his log cabin home and helped me track down several of the Deputies. He also put together the band when Darrell McCall hosted the Country Deputy Reunion on the Ernest Tubb Midnite Jamboree the night we celebrated the release of Live Fast, Love Hard: The Faron Young Story. (more…)