22 August 2007
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 10, 2007, at the Ernest Tubb Record Shop in Nashville. We’ll be celebrating publication of Live Fast, Love Hard: The Faron Young Story. The day will end with a reunion of the Country Deputies on the Midnite Jamboree. Darrell McCall will host the show. I am so excited!!!
FARON YOUNG, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: On Saturday, August 22, 1992, Faron and Jean Shepard worked a show in Brooklyn, Michigan. Jean remembers it as “of the most wonderful days I have ever had in my life. . . . Faron was completely cold sober, and we talked about old times, and he didn’t–usually he was pretty loud, cussing and everything–but he wasn’t this day. He was just very mild mannered, and we sat and talked.” When they said goodbye, Jean hugged and kissed him and said, “Faron, this day has just been wonderful. What a blessing. It was so wonderful to sit in that little ol’ trailer and talk about our old times, 20-30 years ago.” He hugged her and said, “Aw, well, hell, Shep, you know I love you.” She told me when I interviewed her, “Oh, it was just so good. I’ve carried that memory with me.”
Gigi Viellion says, “I too enjoyed hearing about Ernie Reed. It reminded me that years ago when I went to see ‘The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas’ on Broadway and heard the fiddle player I commented that ‘that’s the best fiddle player I’ve heard since Ernie Reed’ only to open the program to find out it was Ernie Reed. He is truly one of a kind.”
Dan Tyson, a Navy shipmate who lives in Japan, writes, “Congratulations on getting the book finished and published. That is a tremendous accomplishment. I’ll order one from Amazon.com and hopefully, you can sign it for me when we get a chance to meet. . . . Take care and keep us updated on your next project.”
Hennie Beltman says, “You must be so thrilled to see all your hard work coming to fruition, and I know all Faron’s fans are anxious to get their hands on the book, as I am! More than 50 years ago, I wrote my first ever fan letter, and it was to Faron. And I’ll never forget how excited I was when he sent me back a picture postcard! I hope you sell tons of books…I have already pre-ordered 2 from Amazon. Best of luck with your book on Marty Robbins, too.”
Bill Littleton’s latest Bridgeworks contains a nice blurb about the book: http://www.unclewillamsplace.com/thebridgeworks.htm