14 February 2007
The University of Illinois Press is publishing Live Fast, Love Hard: The Faron Young Story on its Fall 2007 list. I’m working on the index, and I’ve learned the book will be approximately 240 pages.
FARON YOUNG, THIRTY-ONE YEARS AGO: Faron’s dad died February 10, 1976. His mother, Doris, had died in 1974, and when Harlan suffered a stroke he went to live with Faron’s oldest brother and his wife. Sister Dorothy said her dad seemed to be content there. Recalling how he had treated his children, she told me it nearly broke her heart to hear his one comment of remorse, when he said, “One thing I regret is that I didn’t spend more time with my kids.” She said, “He should have been more kind to his kids, but he was interested in trying to make a living for us.” Faron followed his father’s example. When Harlan was sick, Hilda told Faron, “You need to go see your dad, before it’s too late.” He refused. When Hilda asked Faron to spend more time with his children while they were little, he told her, “I feed them and clothe them, and have a roof over their heads, don’t I? That’s all my dad ever did for me.” He resented the way his father treated him but used similar parenting tactics with his own children.
Duane Murley of KWMT Radio writes from Fort Dodge, Iowa, “Thank you for your time yesterday afternoon. I received several phone calls after our interview from listeners that are very excited about your book. And are just as excited about your Marty Robbins book. I look forward to talking with you more as time gets closer to the publishing date.”
Terry Counts says, “Ya, I remember that tour!!! What knocked me out more than anything, is Faron and the guys saying that when in Ireland, THEY CALLED A TRUCE, no fighting, during the concert, and they were astounded when everybody sat down and enjoyed the concert in peace…then they started fighting again. Go figure!!!!”
Dominique “Imperial” ANGLARES of the Brest R’n’R Appreciation Society writes from France, “Glad to have your news letter as usual. Just for the pleasure, here’s a picture of the Concorde as you wrote Faron had flight back in the USA from England in that plane. Here’s an AIR FRANCE as I work for Air France and we were proud of that plane. Unfortunately, we got a crash and since those Concorde planes doesn’t fly no more. There’s are part of the legend! Before close you can read a paper from my pen about Faron Young last CD on Bear family on www.bartemon.net . Clic on the pin-up and then on the poster.”
Arie den Dulk asks, “Will you write about the Carnegie Hall concert of November 1961 in your book? Will it be briefly or extensively? Do you have any pictures of that concert? I’m preparing an article about that concert in one of our forthcoming issues [of the Jim Reeves fan club magazine] and that article will deal with other artists, including Faron, too.”
Response: The concert is mentioned, mostly info gathered from newspaper clippings, and a few quotes from Faron’s Deputies. There will be one New York City photo in the book.