Archive for August, 2017

Diane’s Country Music Newsletter – 30 August 2017

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

The Performing Arts Center in Sisseton, South Dakota, hosted the Bill Anderson concert Saturday night. Bill invited me to come up from Sioux Falls for the evening, and I took sister Kayo and friend Perry with me. The folks at Coteau Entertainment Company treated us well, complete with a delicious dinner of prime rib and sweet corn. Whisperin’ Bill is a popular person up there, with people getting in line at 4:30 for the 7 pm show. (more…)

Diane’s Country Music Newsletter – 16 August 2017

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

The Sioux Empire Fair brought Travis Tritt to Sioux Falls last Friday evening. It was the first time I’d seen him in concert. There was no opening act, and he came on stage singing “Put Some Drive in Your Country.” He then traded his electric guitar for an acoustic one, which he used for most of his 90-minute concert. He’d just come from three days in Sturgis, and he asked how many people had attended his concerts in the past. “I love repeat business,” he said. “Thanks for coming back.” (more…)

Diane’s Country Music Newsletter — 2 August 2017

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017

In 1997, Garth Brooks performed at the Sioux Falls Arena, after selling 41,183 tickets. Now, when ticket sales opened for one show at the new Denny Sanford Premier Center in September, he sold out six shows in half an hour. Ticket sales opened several days later for an additional show. Within 20 minutes, there was a total of nine sold-out shows with 91,650 tickets. I have mine! (more…)