16 May 2007

FARON YOUNG, SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO: Faron appeared as a guest on Nashville Now on May 15, 1990. He told Ralph Emery, “I was watching a show last night, and Mel Tillis was on. I was riding my lawnmower the other day, at midnight. I got a MUI–mowing under the influence, and I ran into a tree. [It was] around ten thirty at night. But it’s got lights on it.  I just forgot the tree was sittin’ where it was. Boom! I hit the tree and over I went. I’d cracked three ribs about two months ago, and I cracked three more here. My life is gonna be very short-lived if I don’t straighten up.” Ralph said, “I’m trying to keep up with this conversation. We were talking about Mel Tillis, and suddenly you ran into a tree.” Faron answered, “That’s what I sounded like when I hit that tree. I said, ‘Well, you su-su-su-son-of-a-gun.'”

CORRECTION FROM LAST WEEK: Faron’s 1962 show at the Wayne High School took place in Wayne, Michigan, not Wayne, Indiana.

MYSPACE: I’ve started a MySpace account at http://www.myspace.com/190250842 to publicize Faron’s biography. With the expert help of my daughters, I’m learning my way around the site. So those of you who use MySpace, please give me your comments, and I invite you to register as a friend.

BOOK COVER: I didn’t mean to do a survey on the book cover, but it seems to have turned out that way. It’s to be expected that not everyone will like the design. Those who already want to read Faron’s story aren’t going to be enticed or turned off by the cover. They want what’s inside. The purpose of a cover is to attract attention and make people pick up the book. A serious cover wouldn’t do that. I’ve posted the latest comments below, and this closes the discussion about the cover.


Sandy Cooper, who edited my manuscript, writes, “In response to Tom Kimsey from Florida, this is definitely an ideal case for not judging a book simply by its cover. Any Faron fan who passes up this book because the cover is unsatisfactory will have cheated themselves.  No more serious book about Faron Young will ever be written.  As a showman who embraced glitter, glitz, and good times, I’m guessing Faron himself would have loved the cover. For many, Faron was larger than life, and I believe the cover portrays that.”

Cliff Haning says, “First of all I hope you sell a million copies of your book and I can get an autographed copy. The gentleman that was talking about the book cover. The only thing I see wrong is the picture of Faron for it is too young, it should be a little older. Just my opinion.”

Larry Davis writes, “I wouldn’t have been the one to bring it up, but I certainly do agree with Tom Kimsey’s comments about the picture of Faron chosen for the cover of your book. It’s just too cartoonish to covey the depth that Faron brought to and gave to country music.”

Joe Hamrick says, “I am sorry but I have to agree with the person about the
book cover.”

Richard Spooner requests, “You will let us know when the book is available here in the UK. I need a copy real bad!!!!!!!”

Peter Trenholm, writes from Nova Scotia, Canada, “I like the cover for the book very much. I’m positive you put much thought into the cover. It’s a GREAT picture plus my own opinion is that it’s colorful enough just to catch your eye so you do give it a second glance on a book shelf. Just my opinion.”

Tom Lipscombe, also in Canada, writes, “Congratulations on the great news about the bookstores placing advanced orders for your Faron Young Biography. Of course, the person who criticised the design of your book cover is entitled to his opinion. I guess that he doesn’t realise that you were attempting to recreate a ‘fifties looking’ cover, which has been admirably achieved. After all, the 1950’s and early 1960’s were the most exciting time of Faron’s career, so it’s stand to reason that you would wish to represent that fact on the cover of the book.”

Barry Basden, a fellow author, writes, “I have to agree with Tom’s comments–IF you’re looking for a serious biography. BUT…if you want something that evokes a circa 1950s fan magazine, then your cover is pretty good.”

Ray Richardson likes the book cover. He says, “I remember Faron as one of the greatest voices ever to sing a country song. Like all of us, Faron had his faults, but his fame didn’t come from his faults. It came from a great heart and great voice and complete honesty. We who love country music knew where he was coming from and still miss him. Congratulations for finally getting the book ready for distribution and thank you for all the hard work. I’m sure that it will be very rewarding for you.”

My sister, Kayo Paver, who did the index, gets the last word: “When I first saw it, I thought the picture was too young….I was thinking it would be a more recent picture, but the book is about the era of the cover. So, I agree with the picture. The title is perfect for the picture. So, I guess if there were any changes to be made….it must be the color scheme. It kind of has a “crayon” effect, so maybe that’s why it reminded him of a cartoon…..maybe could use more of a smoother transition of color. ……..and on the other hand, when you look in an old magazine or catalog, you can always tell that the picture is back from the 50’s or so cuz of the colors. But the way it is now – could set the book off from others and be more of an attention getter.”

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